IP Module: Multi-Socket
For Agility4 (V5.xx), LightSYS2 E (V5.xx), ProSYS Plus and GT-Plus panels only.
This part is not compatible with Agility 2, Agility 3 (pre version 5.xx) or LightSYS2 (pre version 5.xx).
Should you require an IP Module for these panels please speak to the sales team.
Plug-in multi-socket TCP/IP module to fit Agility4, LightSYS2 E (V5.xx) and ProSYS Plus panels.
Fits inside, mounted on four plastic pillars and provides the following capabilities:
- Physical Network Connection via CAT5 cable – supports DHCP or static IP.
- Can be used to connect to RISCO Cloud.
- Can be utilised to communicate with an Alarm Receiving Centre by sending direct RISCO encrypted IP signals.
- Can be utilised to provide incoming connection for RISCO configuration software (Upload/Download) via LAN or WAN.
- Can be utilised to provide access to a mail server (none SSL) in order to send email for the panels “Follow Me” feature.